Okay, so a few people have been asking me how I painted my door, and how I got it to look vintage-y & old. Well, it's really simple!
What you'll need-
•Plaster of Paris
•Paint of your Choice (I chose Turquoise.. duh!)
•Minwax Finishing Wax
•2 Bowls
•Rust-O-Leum antiquing glaze (not pictured)
•An old rag
•Plastic to lay out
•Masking Tape.. Some of you might not need this.
Oh and Starbucks.. But that's optional! ;)
went to Home Depot and bought all my supplies (it was pretty cheap.. $50 for everything!) I used the Behr interior eggshell paint in Cozumel. I've been on Pinterest wondering how to make chalk paint since I've never done it before. Well... It might be my new favorite! All you need is Plaster of Paris, and a little water! That's it! Way cheaper and you get a lot more bang for your buck by making your own. A quart usually runs about 35-40 dollars for the actual stuff (I'm cheap!) and it gets the job done just the same if not better.
Mixing the paint with plaster:
ITS SIMPLE! Heres the recipe I used! :)
Grab 2 bowls- mix the plaster & water in one and then pour paint in the other bowl. Then combine the plaster with the paint.
If your door has glass, like mine, you're going to have to tape it off so you don't get paint everywhere! Don't forget to tape off the hardware and lay out plastic so your paint doesn't get all over the floor!
Now it's time to clean off the door and start the painting process!
I just got a damp rag and cleaned the door off, let dry and now you may begin! I also heard that you don't need to sand anything with chalk paint (another perk, sanding really SUCKS!)
I found a technique that did help me on how to paint doors since you don't want ugly lines showing. This is what worked best for me.
I applied the first coat, and since my door is metal it absorbed a lot of it.. Really quick, too! I let it dry for about 2 hours and moved on the the next coat! I get really impatient and very excited, LOL!
This was right after the first coat!
This is after the second coat! It was all dry and ready for the antiquing to begin! Also known as my favorite part!!! :)
I didn't get a picture of me actually doing the antiquing.. It gets pretty messy! But I do have some pictures of it after it was all done!
I used the Rust-O-Leum brown glaze to create the antique look. There's a story behind why I didn't get a picture of it.. Blame my father!! But I finally found it hidden in the backyard shed!
Apply the glaze in the corners and let it sit for about 5 minutes or so then wipe off with a moist rag. Try not to wipe the corners so that way it'll leave the glaze there!
Apply the glaze all over the door (FOLLOW THE SAME PAINTING PATTERN! It's important!!) and wipe off.
And you're DONE!
Wait overnight and let everything dry and then apply the wax. You'll need a rag to do this! I haven't got to this part yet, but it's fairly simple and self explanatory :)
I hope I've answered some questions!
Happy Painting!!!
xo, paolla